What to make with left over fabrics?
Being a fabric hoarder can be something of a blessing, or a curse — depending on the size of your house.
I, of course, am living an accursed life.
The issue with having a fabric store is the abundance of offcuts, everywhere. Not big enough to sell, but also not quite small enough to commit the ultimate sin of throwing away.
So what can you make with all this leftover material?
I have been scouring the internet to see what I could find, and have pulled just a small sample of glorious mini projects available.
Here's a colourful one for the kiddies room.

If you want to bulk up any gift, how about sewing one of these little bags and filling it with lavender? If you're feeling really flush, you could even include some Lush products.
Have wall space to fill?
I do!
This is actually one of my favourites that I found. We have a space on the wall that we just don't know what to do with, so I know what I'll be doing when I find 5 minutes to myself.
There are so many ideas out there, a good source is Pinterest.
See what you can find!